A website designed using Accessibility approaches is faster to load and more efficient to surf, uses less server resources, enhances search engine results and extends the audience dramatically. This makes for holistic approach to your web strategy, and it is socially correct plus legally compliant*
An increasing number of countries are implementing laws to ensure that web content is designed in a manner that is usable and accessible to the growing number of elderly, the disabled, etc. Appropriately designed content can be visually appealing and be accessible by mobile devices such as PDA's.
*Currently, Web Accessibility laws such as Section 508 do not apply to private corporations in the US, yet there have been high profile lawsuits on AOL, Southwest Airlines and others based on ' public accommodation ' and ADA principles
Why Web Accessibility?
There are users who may be using special technology to access the Web because of some physical disability, such as motor impaired or blindness. Such users may be accessing the Web using programs that interpret the graphic screen display using synthesized speech or tactile screen. For this kind of equipment, visual presentation and visual relationships have little or no significance, yet the content must be accessible to such users.
The following points explain why accessibility is an important consideration when designing Web pages. Accessible pages:
 Allow for larger audience participation.
 Improve usability for all.
 Permit device independence.
 Improve efficiency.
 Promote HTML standards that can be supported by all browsers.
 Improve search engine listings.
 Demonstrate social responsibility.
Who needs Web accessibility?
The following three groups of people benefit from accessible Web sites:
Disabled persons
 Visually impaired
 Hearing impaired
 Learning impaired
 Physically challenged
Users of wireless handheld devices
 Personal digital assistants (PDAs)
 Digital Web-enabled telephones
Persons on low-bandwidth internet connections
 Dialup users at home
 International users with slow or expensive connections
Infynita maintains a proficient Web Accessibility practice and covers leading Accessibility laws in the world via its holding .
Our SpeechBench enabled site allows for hands-free, eyes-free voice access to websites and we have developed SpeechFirst as a cost free voice interpreter for accessing the web in a voice mode. These enhance usability of websites and web applications.
Please Contact our Usability & Accessibility specialists for more information. 
case studies
 Disabled people's association
  All sections were realigned, content refreshed and the new AAA compliant website was produced in an effort of about 20-man months.
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