A Buyers Guide to Offshore Outsourcing: |
Wondering where to send your call centers, application development and QA testing? Check the map for a worldwide comparison of prices, risks and other critical considerations. |
Nov. 15, 2002 Issue of CIO Magazine |
Report: Offshore IT outsourcing helps economy |
In the latest salvo in a debate over sending tech work overseas, a report sponsored by an industry group concludes that the practice is good for the U.S. economy and its workers. |
Published: March 30, 2004, 6:00 AM PST |
By Ed Frauenheim |
Staff Writer, CNET News.com |
Offshoring - Frequently Asked Questions |
Why is work going offshore? |
Work is traveling offshore because of new information technologies such as the Internet, voice over IP, and enterprise applications, which make it easier than ever to hire, manage, and coordinate lower-cost, well-educated labor in the global economy. |
Published by EBS |
CIO Executive Guide: Offshore Outsourcing |
Offshore outsourcing options seem very attractive to the CIO who is looking for ways to cut costs and get to market quicker. |
by SearchCIO |