When you start any business, which has major revenue part through online activities, you need to find the answer of these queries before starting any activities |
1 |
Whether the business idea is feasible as per market trends? |
2 |
Whether it is technical feasible? |
3 |
Whether my selected technology platform will be able to handle my 5 to 10 years of business vision or growth? |
4 |
What are the mandatory steps for security and compliance? |
5 |
Whether my e-business application will be designed and executed as per my target market and target users? |
6 |
What has to be given more preference: "user experience" or "technology"? |
7 |
What will be the revenue model of my e-business and how to calculate the ROI? |
8 |
How to promote my e-business specific to target users & target market? What are the various web-marketing methods? |
9 |
How target users will search my e-business application through various search engines and directories? |
10 |
Whether paid web marketing approach will give me right returns? |
Infynita e-business consulting competency: |
Infynita e-business consulting will assist you to define a proper e-business strategy along with selection of right technology. Our strong e-business consulting, web marketing and technical development experience will also help you in your business growth. We provide our services starting from documentation of your business vision, feasibility, architecture and functional specification to final technical execution. We define and execute search engine and web marketing strategies during our technical execution, which is mandatory for proper web marketing initiatives. Infynita e-business consulting lies in the area of: |
e-business strategy formulation and execution |
e-business solution consulting |
e-business technology consulting |
online branding and promotions |
search engine optimization and positioning |